
2842-APLB-XX-XX-SK-A-8004-P02 Proposed Site Strategy.pdf

Concept Plan

This drawing shows the thinking behind the site plan and reflects early consultation with the Planning Department

Click on the arrow at the top of the image to enlarge it.

2842-APLB-XX-00-DR-A-1105_P06 ProposedSitePlan.pdf

Proposed Site Layout

The layout shows how a small development may look on the site.

Click on the arrow at the top of the image to enlarge it.

2842-APLB-CT-00-DR-A-2100-P03-Proposed Unit Type Plans.pdf

Proposed Floor Plans

The image illustrates how the rooms of each home may be laid out.

Please refer to the site plan for how the homes will be arranged.

The appearance of the homes will take design cues from local design features and materials.

3D Model of the Proposals

Click on the play arrow in the image to fly around the site and see how the buildings might be arranged.

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