Questions from the Consultation Feedback

How can you ensure the site access won’t cause additional traffic problems?

To those responding regarding traffic congestion in New Inn Road and also its junction with the A336 we thank you for the updates. Although preliminary enquiries have agreed a possible access position to the proposed site, final highway approval will be subject to NPA consultation with Hampshire CC highways.

How will surface water be dealt with?

Following local concern relating to Surface water drainage, this will be subject to further site investigation works. Planning applications are required to ensure that Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) are agreed for the management of surface water drainage and run-off before planning permission can be granted.

How will foul drainage be dealt with?

Concerns have been raised regarding the capacity of the existing foul sewage system. Discussions will take place with Southern Water under their Drainage and Wastewater Plan and NPA to ensure compliance on design and Nitrate Neutrality. The drainage authorities will also be consulted by the LPA through the planning application process.

Why aren’t you building on a brown field site?

Brown field sites tend to be land that has previously received planning approval and as such would attain a land value beyond that viable for 100% affordable housing. Brown field sites may not offer the protection against Right to Buy that can be secured on Rural Exception Sites. Building homes on a Rural Exception Site will mean that the homes will stay affordable, for local people, in perpetuity.

What guarantees are there that locals will be given preference on allocation?

A legal agreement with NFDC and the NPA will form part of any planning approval ensuring people with a local connection are given priority.

Will the site be extended?

The site plan outlines the extent of the proposals to meet the defined housing need. No further development is proposed.

How have you settled on the appearance of the homes?

The design aspects and materials will be further discussed and agreed with officers of the NPA. Early consultation with the LPA has led to the development of the proposals as portrayed on this website.

Why are you proposing flats?

Any planning application will reflect the current housing need.

What about the existing bats and other wildlife?

Preliminary Ecology surveys have taken place to identify existing flora and fauna. Further surveys will be conducted to provide guidance on how to protect and enhance the existing ecology

Why are you proposing to remove trees?

An arboricultural survey has already been undertaken to identify the condition of the existing trees. Any tree removal designated as necessary will be agreed with the district tree officer.

Will the homes include zero carbon design?

All new homes developed by New Forest Village Housing Association will embrace a Fabric First approach exceeding the insulation requirements of current building regulations whilst including features such as triple glazing, air source heat pumps, continuous ventilation to ensure low energy consumption returning low energy bills.